Freitag, 20. Mai 2016

1/144 Pioniersicherungsboot

It took a bit time, but this week I finished my work on a very special and rare model.

A German Pioniersicherungsboot

There is not so much known about this river gun boat, according to some books only two have been built. They were planed by end of the war and came too late to change anything or even to get produced in bigger numbers.
On the internet I found a drawing and an old picture of one of the river boats in action.

If you want to learn a bit more about the history of the original, please look here:

Here you will find the only existing picture of the Pioniersicherungsboot in action.

So I designed the Pioniersicherungsboot with the drawing from the internet and decided to go with the drilling instead with the Vierlingsflak. Some paint and the Pioniersicherungsboot could start for the first mission.

Pioniersicherungsboot in 1/144

Pioniersicherungsboot in 1/144

Pioniersicherungsboot in 1/144

Pioniersicherungsboot in 1/144

Pioniersicherungsboot in 1/144

Pioniersicherungsboot in 1/144

Pioniersicherungsboot in 1/144

Pioniersicherungsboot in 1/144

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