Freitag, 11. August 2017

tanks in German ruins

While I wait for my last shipment from Shapeways I show you some old work. I hope you like it anyway. Next week I will present some new stuff here.

1/144 street fighting

1/144 Tiger in ruins

Dienstag, 8. August 2017

new tanks in 1/ 144 from a new company 4D

Last weekend I got a box of 16 new tanks easy to assemble. I bought them on Ebay, price was okay and now having the tanks in my hands, I can say even the quality is okay. As you can see on the pictures below, they do need much assembly and they are slidly prepainted. The only thing I do not understand, is the French AMX, all other tanks are WWII tanks but the AMX is an after war tank.

01/52 Kranwagen auf Basis ZIS-6 AK-1

  1/144 ZIS-6 Kranwagen der russischen Armee Heute stelle ich einen weiteren Kran vor. Diesesmal ist es ein Kranwagen der russichen Armee. D...