Freitag, 22. September 2017

Kampffähre in 1/144 or leichte Flakfähre

I believe the correct name is leichte Flakfähre (there was a schwere Flakfähre with 3 or 4 8.8 Flak). But anyway if you search for Kampffähre you will find a lot of entries in google.
I just finished my own version and can show you the first pictures of the final version.
The complete kit is built from several parts, the platform is still handmade as a 3D print would have been to expensive. The only thing I realised, the flak on the top platform is not correct, it should be a 3.7 cm flak. But this version is still under construction and there were several variants on all seas.
So take a look at my Kampffähre and let me know if you like it. If someone is interested in purchasing one, send me a mail maybe I could create a set be be printed at shapeways.  

1/144 Kampffähre

Siebel Fähre or Siebel Ferry

German Kampffähre

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