Samstag, 16. Juni 2018

1/144 Sturmmörser 28 cm 38 (D) 26 / 52

Normally I do not build or collect something what do not saw any action during WWII. But no rule without exceptions. The Sturmmörser is such an exception. Somehow I liked it and the price for the unassembled kit was okay.
So here my Sturmmörser 28 cm 38D.

1/144 Sturmmörser
1/144 Sturmmörser

1/144 Sturmmörser
1/144 Sturmmörser

Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2018

1/144 Tornado Sprengboot 25/52

The Tornado Sprengboot was one of the very desperite Trials to Change everything -  when it was already too late.
As far as I could find out, there was at least one prototype which was used for Trails. When the Russians came closer, the Germans Blow up everything.

The design is very simple, the swimmer are from the Ju 52, the engine is from the V1.

More About the Concept you can find : Wikipedia

03/52 es geht los, neuer Shop für Panzerfabrik 144

Panzerfabrik 144 startet neuen Shop Diese Woche habe ich eine E-Mail von Shapeways bekommen. Nächsten Monat wollen sie wieder die Möglichkei...