Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2017

Some new 1/144 Releases

Happy new 2017 - a bit late but why not!

As work is at the moment not that stressful as it was close to Christmas, I found time to finish several projects. 
I got some more French trucks, the Peugeot DMA, now in online with the bigger Renault AHN, so there is only the Citroen missing and then I have all three major French Wehrmacht vehicle producers. Of course none of them volunteered cooperating with the German Wehrmacht.  
Some years ago I printed the Sonderanhänger 115 for me, this is the smaller German tank transport trailer. Details you can find here on this internet page: LS.
So in the next weeks I will update the old drawing and will offer a combined set of the Faun and the tank transport trailer. The Faun L900 is now ready to hook up your Panzer I or Panzer II.

Faun L900: here

Peugeot DMA truck

side view PEugeot DMA now in 1/144 or in TT

Peugeot DMA Ambulance and truck: here and here 

Both Peugeot trucks are in 1/160 available as well. Please check my shop at Shapeways.

Würzburg Radar second version: here and here

And here the first pictures from the painted Faun L900

Faun L900 in 1/144

Faun L900 with Panzer I

04/52 Panther und Taifun

Panther und Taifun in 1/144 Während Panther natürlich jedem etwas sagt, sieht es bei dem Wort Taifun schon wieder etwas anders aus. Taifun, ...