Freitag, 24. Februar 2017

1/144 German Fire brigade on Mercedes Benz L1500 LF8 der Feuerschutzpolizei

It is done. I finalised y work on the German Mercedes Benz L1500. In general an easy one, until I realised that the roof was a real challenge. There the surface comes with a radius, goes over into a curve and ends on the window and on the door. As I hate curves and have to live with a poor imagination, it took a while.
Now I have the Fire brigade or as it is called in German LF 8 Löschfahrzeug. The interesting point is, that you can paint it in all colours. In green for the Feuerschutzstaffeln, in dark yellow for the airfields of the Luftwaffe or in grey for the Wehrmacht. Even white is possible as the German Red Cross used some after the war.
Besides the fire engine version I created the radio version.
And a premiere for me, I get it printed in two parts, so that you can paint the interior (meaning i added the seats, and even you could place a complete crew inside.
As soon as I get the first prototypes back from Shapeways, I will update the blog and will show you some pictures.

Mercedes Benz L1500 LF 8 Feuerschutzpolizei

back rear view Mercedes Benz L1500 

both Mercedes Benz L1500 versions

Mercedes Benz L1500 Radio Truck Wehrmacht

Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2017

1/144 Scammell Tank Transporter

Panzer Depot offers since last year the Scammell Tank transporter. So maybe the Scammell wrecker will come from Panzer Depot as well. Meanwhile I ordered two of them. A similar model you can buy from Graham Models and from

and here to compare the old model from Graham Models:

04/52 Panther und Taifun

Panther und Taifun in 1/144 Während Panther natürlich jedem etwas sagt, sieht es bei dem Wort Taifun schon wieder etwas anders aus. Taifun, ...