Montag, 27. Juni 2016

The first addon set for 1/144 tanks

Over the last months I collected ideas for stuff I would need to pimp my tanks. I remember that many years ago I bought something made from etched cuper. But after several relocation it got lost. Therefore I designed some stuff, which I could use with any Panther.

So based on original pictures I came up with this  stuff:

- side covers for 2 tanks
- 3 x Buckets
- 2 radio antennas
- some tooling
- 2 x wheels, often used as additional protection for the turret
- 2 lids for the commander cuppola
- several German cans
- 4× Oil drums

Meanwhile it came back from the printer and here the first pictures:

If there is enough interest I will do the same set with other German tanks.

01/52 Kranwagen auf Basis ZIS-6 AK-1

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