Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2018

1/144 German Reichsbahn and their special waggons AA-service 45/52

Transports by rail were during WWII one of the most important ways to bring everything what was needed to all fronts from the production plants inside Germany. As the Americans started bombing the German infrastructure, more and more Trains got directly attacked. Therefore the German Richsbahn looked for a easy to adopt solution to give the Trains a minimum of protection.
This has nothing to do with the German Panzerzüge. The Wehrmacht was owner of the Panzerzüge, but here we talk about the Reichsbahn.
So they came up with two types of armed trains. Both were eaysy to adapt and were based on existing material.

1/144 Geschützwagen
Geschützwagen type I with 2cm Flak

1/144 Geschützwagen
Geschützwagen I with 2 cm Falk

1/144 Geschützwagen
Geschützwagen type II with two concrete towers

1/144 Geschützwagen
Geschützwagen type II with two concrete towers

1/144 Geschützwagen
side view of the type II, on some pictures you can see them with Drillings instead of the 2 cm Flak

1/144 Autocar with Ponton trailer 44/52

More American stuff on the way.

Below you will see the first pictures from my new pontoon trailer. In general the US engineers used the Autocar tractor. So to complete the set, I have to build a new version of the Autocar tractor, for the pontoon set they had a big wooden box behind the cabin.
So I will change the design a bit and you can build a complete Autocar set.

1/144 Autocar ponton set
1/144 Autocar set with Ponton trailer

1/144 Autocar ponton set
1/144 Autocar set with Ponton trailer

1/144 Autocar ponton set
1/144 Autocar set with Ponton trailer

1/144 Autocar ponton set
1/144 Autocar set with Ponton trailer

01/52 Kranwagen auf Basis ZIS-6 AK-1

  1/144 ZIS-6 Kranwagen der russischen Armee Heute stelle ich einen weiteren Kran vor. Diesesmal ist es ein Kranwagen der russichen Armee. D...