Freitag, 22. Juni 2012

Russian tank train, stop for gas

While I have to wait for getting my street blockage printed, I started to finish another diorama. First of all I wanted test my new grass tool. This tool I bought via Ebay in China and for the price of 35 USD I have to say it works perfectly. So I built a small train terrain with a lot of grass. As I had to put something on the rails, I decided to use my Russian train draisine. Here the first picture, I hope to get it done by end of next week.

04/52 Panther und Taifun

Panther und Taifun in 1/144 Während Panther natürlich jedem etwas sagt, sieht es bei dem Wort Taifun schon wieder etwas anders aus. Taifun, ...