Samstag, 13. August 2016

1/144 Launch tower for Bachem Natter

It took me a while to get this done. The start ramp or launch tower for the German Bachem Natter is now ready. Normally, airplanes are not so my topic, but the model from Brengun comes in a set of two, and they are very small.
Here the link to the kit: They offer two versions.
During tests the Bachem Werke used first a launch tower, nothing more that a big piece of wood. Just very close to the end the came up with this metal version. Close to Stuttgart the German SS built a launch site. Their plan was to use this areal to start several Natters at once. launch site sounds good, very secretly but in fact, it was not more than an open space with round concrete bases (they had in the middle a square hole to bring wires and other cables to the launch tower. No buildings, no Bunkers, just an open field.
Back to the design, given by his tiny design, I had some problems to get it ready for printing. I had to find the right balance between the original drawing and the requirements for a successful print.
Now, after the second print I can say it works.
You can order it in black, this time I tried the black version, I do not wanted to paint the ramp, it would take me hours. The black looks so good, that I decided to keep it in that color and to build a small diorama for it. Here the first pictures:

Natter and launch tower in 1/144

Here the link to Shapeways, where you get your own launch tower.

Sonntag, 7. August 2016

1/144 Fire Fighters for modern jets

Today I present you the first pictures of my new crash tenders. With the input from Wes, who claimed that the Crossley crash tender is a nice model, but not qualified for  nowadays fighters, I found a nice drawing.
While I started and tried some new things with my CAD program, I learnt, that I like this modern crash tender.
Finally I ended up searching for the real crash tender what was the basis for my picture.
I found the Italian producer Rampini. They produce this crash tender for the Italian Air Force.
More about my fire fighter and the real one, you can find here:
So I duplicated the real on, only on some spots I changed the design a bit.
Here are two screenshots from my CAD program:
With my next print order I will show you the models in real 1/144.

03/52 es geht los, neuer Shop für Panzerfabrik 144

Panzerfabrik 144 startet neuen Shop Diese Woche habe ich eine E-Mail von Shapeways bekommen. Nächsten Monat wollen sie wieder die Möglichkei...