Mittwoch, 2. September 2015

German Fast Attack Boat S-100 now in 1/144

Just my accident I saw some weeks ago, that there is a company selling the German Fast Attack Boat S-100 in 1/144.
But as it was the Bonus for ordering a collection of ships in the scale 1/1250, I was pressed to order these ships first, before I could get a Speed Boat.
Yesterday after getting several ships in the scale 1/1250, I got my Fast Attack Boat.
Any chance to get a second one, without ordering all these other ships, failed. On Ebay I found two times a chance to bit on one, but both times they were sold much to high for me. Since that I never saw them again on Ebay.
Anyway, now I have my one version and I will give him a special spot in my collection.

S-100 in 1/144

S-100 in 1/144

S-100 in 1/144

01/52 Kranwagen auf Basis ZIS-6 AK-1

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