Sonntag, 27. August 2017

Hetzer ambush and Tiger tank down, two new 1/144 dioramas

As I still work on a lot new stuff, but got nothing finished, I present two small diorama which I finalised in the last weeks. With both I started a very long time ago, but never finished them. 

The first one is a Hetzer tank in an ambush somewhere in Europe. Base is a piece of gypsum decorated with nearly every piece of green I could find.

The second one, I created after the gun of one Tiger tank broke by an accident. So I remembered a famous picture of an Tiger tank in Normandy. 

03/52 es geht los, neuer Shop für Panzerfabrik 144

Panzerfabrik 144 startet neuen Shop Diese Woche habe ich eine E-Mail von Shapeways bekommen. Nächsten Monat wollen sie wieder die Möglichkei...