Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2018

new 1/144 horse sets for German Wehrmacht 43/52

The design of the horse was a real challenge and took some time. But I like them, as with the German Wehrmacht thousands of them were used during the whole war.

1/144 horses
1/144 German horse drawn carts

1/144 diroama with horse
1/144 Diorama: Germanys last attack

1/144 horse set I

1/144 diroama with horse
1/144 Diorama: Germanys last attack

1/144 horses
1/144 set of 4 horses

1/144 horses
1/144 set of 4 horses
In the next weeks I will create more sets, so if you have any Special wishes, let me know.

04/52 Panther und Taifun

Panther und Taifun in 1/144 Während Panther natürlich jedem etwas sagt, sieht es bei dem Wort Taifun schon wieder etwas anders aus. Taifun, ...