Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2014

Opel Maultier as Ambulance

The Opel Maultier I have now for many years in my collection. But just some weeks ago I came up with the idea to build the cabin for the ambulance version. As always the work was done on my computer with my 3D program. After printing I had to paint it and to add the ladder at the end of the cabin.
In total not that much work, but I like it, as the range of ambulance vehicles in the scale 1/144 is not that big.

14/52 Obice da 305/17 WWI gun

Obice da 305/17, Mörser aus dem 1. Weltkrieg in 1/144 Ich weiss auch nicht so recht, wie es gekommen ist, ich sollte andere Modelle zeichnen...