Montag, 21. August 2017

Pionierlandungsboot 39 final version

Finally, I finished the design of the smaller first German landing craft. With the design of the Pionierlandungsboot 39 the German Wehrmacht ( not the Kriegsmarine) had their first own ship. The Wehrmacht realized latest with the planning for Operation sealion that they needed own transport and crossing units. I forgot how many units the Germans built, but it was the most used landing craft.
By end of this week I will publish the design on shapeways, so that everybody can buy it.
My own own is so far ready, but I still need to decide in which colours I will paint it.
Therefore you get today only pictures of a half painted Pionierlandungsboot 39.

top and bottom of the Pionierlandungsboot 39

Pionierlandungsboot 39 still under construction

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