Freitag, 17. Juni 2016

1/144 weapon loader and ground equipement set for modern aircrafts

This time I designed something different from my normal routine.
By request from somebody via Shapeways I designed a modern weapon loader as used by the US Air Force. As it was a very easy job, it took me only some hours, I added with a second set even more stuff for modern fighter jets.
With a second set you get now several items for your ground crew. For example a hydraulic test stand, a modern generator and some small trailers for the transport of rockets of bombs.

Here some pictures of the unpainted models:

a set of 1/144 weapon loaders

1/144 modern ground equipment

1/144 ground equipment on the roll field

1/144 ground equipment on the roll field

1/144 ground equipment on the roll field

a set of 1/144 weapon loaders

With the ground equipment you get:

- a generator with lights
- 2 small trailers for bomb or rocket transport
- 2 small flat bet trailers
- a hydraulic test trailer
- an electrical component test center

Here are the links so that you can order them directly from my Shapeways Shop:

Montag, 13. Juni 2016

New old Dioramas in 1/144

While I was searching for some old pictures I found some nice pictures with dioramas, all in the scale 1/144.
They have been presented some years ago on the German fair "Intermodellbau" from a seller there.
Here the pictures, I hope you like them and find interesting ideas for your own work.

01/52 Kranwagen auf Basis ZIS-6 AK-1

  1/144 ZIS-6 Kranwagen der russischen Armee Heute stelle ich einen weiteren Kran vor. Diesesmal ist es ein Kranwagen der russichen Armee. D...