Sonntag, 7. August 2016

1/144 Fire Fighters for modern jets

Today I present you the first pictures of my new crash tenders. With the input from Wes, who claimed that the Crossley crash tender is a nice model, but not qualified for  nowadays fighters, I found a nice drawing.
While I started and tried some new things with my CAD program, I learnt, that I like this modern crash tender.
Finally I ended up searching for the real crash tender what was the basis for my picture.
I found the Italian producer Rampini. They produce this crash tender for the Italian Air Force.
More about my fire fighter and the real one, you can find here:
So I duplicated the real on, only on some spots I changed the design a bit.
Here are two screenshots from my CAD program:
With my next print order I will show you the models in real 1/144.

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