Samstag, 4. Februar 2017

1/144 Atlantic wall small fortification 5ck kwk Ringstand

The German 5 cm gun, as used in the Panzer III was later widely used in many field fortifications. You could find them on all locations, France, Netherlands, Belgium.

5cm gun position with Munitionspanzer I

5 cm kwk Bunker with Panzer I

Atlantic wall in 1/144

The Bunker with the 5 cm kwk gun can be bought in my Shapeways shop: Bunker

14/52 Obice da 305/17 WWI gun

Obice da 305/17, Mörser aus dem 1. Weltkrieg in 1/144 Ich weiss auch nicht so recht, wie es gekommen ist, ich sollte andere Modelle zeichnen...