Freitag, 24. Februar 2012

collecting ideas for a tank workshop

Hi all,

I need your help and feedback.
I would like to build up a German tank repair shop.
So I'm thinking about what all could be found there?
I will start the list with some details but please spend some minutes and send me your input too.
Many thanks in advance.

What would I see at a German tank repair shop?
- a crane
- a welding unit maybe with two gas bottles
- a ramp
- a lot of boxes
- old and new spare parts
- gun barrels
- recovery tanks like the Panzer IV, the Bergepanther or the Bergehetzer
- no Berge-Tiger, first there were only one or two, located somewhere in Italy and then, the crane   
  they had was good for everything but not for recovery
- ???  

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