Dienstag, 21. Juli 2015

New on my work bench

This week I received a new delivery from Shapeways. So I give you a short overview about my next projects on which I will work the next days.

Schwimmpanzer II ready for Operation Sealion

So far I am done with the tank. The pontons are ready and what you see is the second print. Further I added a piece to close the motor cooling plates like it was on the Original. In the next days I will start drawing the Schwimmpanzer versions of the Panzer 38 and a second version of the Schwimmpanzer II.

Schwimmpanzer II in 1/144

Some new stuff for an industrial diorama

For this diorama I`m planning now for months. From the first idea I have reduced everything to a much smaller version. The topic is still a secret but of course it has to do with tanks. On the first planning I thought about a really big diorama, at the moment I will go with a small one, which will fit into a shoe box.

small crane and lifter in 1/144

German Radio trailer 3 axis 

This trailer is print no. 3, I believe. The first version was too small, version two was a bad print and now I have a version with movable wheels and I am still unhappy. With this German Radio truck in the scale 1/160 it looks not that bad. But for everything else I still do not like this version. Maybe I will paint them, but I will not print again a new version.

German radio trailer in 1/144
German radio trailer in 1/144

Sherman mine roller 

The Sherman is done, I just realized, that at the rear end, they had a steel plate to get pushed if necessary. As it was not that easy to glue something together, I printed it and will add it now.

Coles RAF crane

After the French theater the Germans caught a lot of British equipment. Among them was the Coles crane. I remember a picture, where the Luftwaffe used one. The Wehrmacht used them as well for maintenance work on Panzers.
The upper part of the crane is movable and in the next step I will design the arm movable as well. This time I forgot to add the fixing points to the design.

Coles crane in 1/144

Coles crane in 1/144

Bergepanzer V Panther

I have some Bergepanzers, and one on basis of the Panther. But so far I had one with a spade. So I designed the spade and I will make it movable so that I could lift it. Let`s see in the next weeks if I will get it done.

Cando Panther with conversion set to Bergepanzer in 1/144

Luftwaffe bomb transport set

Are you able to see something? I have to say, this design was a total disaster. All parts are too weak and everything is too small. So nothing to save, next stop will be the trash can and I have to draw everything again. the idea was to design some small trailers to transport bombs on an airfield.

1/144 and ready for the trash can

Schienenwolf and Panzer train trailer

At the end of the war in Russia the Germans run back in direction Germany. To stop the advance of the Russian army or to slow it down, they destroyed as much as possible. So they invented a very simple but effective design the break the wooden construction of the Russian railways. Besides this small wagon I designed a wooden cabin for a German train wagon with a small Flak. The Germans used them to give trains a bit of defense power against Allied Fighters.

German train wagon with Flak
Schienenwolf in 1/144

Schienenwolf in 1/144

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03/52 es geht los, neuer Shop für Panzerfabrik 144

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