Freitag, 30. Dezember 2016

1/144 and 1/160 Peugeot, a French truck in German use

Thanks to an idea from a French customer I created two new mid-size trucks. The Peugeot DMA as Ambulance and as a standard truck. Both were in use with the German Army, mostly in Russia and other European Theaters.
For Charles I converted both versions in 1/160.

At the moment they are at Shapeways at the printer. As soon as I get them back, I will post here some pictures.

Peugeot Ambulance in 1/144 you can order here.
Peugeot truck in 1/144 you can order here.

Peugeot Ambulance in 1/160 you can order here.
Peugeot truck in 1/160 you can order here.

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