Sonntag, 5. November 2017

American and German landing crafts: Pionierlandungsboot versus LCM

Here some pictures from the American and the German version of a landing craft. While the German version is a bit older, the Americans started much later in the war with their design for landing crafts (what does not mean, that they started from scratch).

The Pionierlandungsboot 39 could be easily divided into two pieces and then transported by train, the Americans designed their LCM as a one hull solution.

Pionierlandungsboot 39 and LCM

Pionierlandungsboot 39 and LCM front side view

Pionierlandungsboot 39 and LCM with open ramps

Pionierlandungsboot 39 and LCM side view

Pionierlandungsboot 39 and LCM back view

Pionierlandungsboot 39 and LCM

Pionierlandungsboot 39 and LCM side view

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