Freitag, 6. April 2018

1/144 Marinefährprahm typ D, a German landing ship 15/52

I' m going to build again a ship!
Because of a request from a friend of mine, I changed the design from my Artilleriefährprahm to the "Standard" Prahm. So this is then a Marinefährprahm Type D.
The difference was that this type had the task to transport troops and tanks. The Artillerifährprahm was designed to give heavy artillery support. The Marinefährprahm was designed for landing Operations. The Marinefährprahm had a ramp, so that tanks and other vehicles could leave the ship directly on the shores. At the design of the Artilleriefährprahm, the ramp was closed and welded. The guns and flak changed constantly because it depended on what was available or what was planed. So in the first design a 8.8 submarine flak ( because several of These were left from the submarines) and two machine gus on the back were the only armment. This changed during the war and the Marinefährprahms got more and more guns and even several vierlings flak.
Later even the Marinefährprahms got guns, I know a Picture, where two Vierlings Flak had been installed on the top of the Prahm.
The last design Change was the modification to Transport and lay mines.
This will be the starting point for my year of the model 2018!

Here are the first pictures of the Marinefährprahm Type D:

top view of the German landing craft

Fährprahm, the German version of an LST

at the beginning only with a 8.8 U-Boot canon

Before I can start selling it, I have to improve some details and will add some more stuff.
Here one last picture from my work bench, where the new and the old Prahm are waiting for the final assembly.

Finally here some sources for more information:
 There are the topics Marinefährprähme and Artilleriefährprähme are a very rich source of information. They list a quick history to each ever built Prahm.

A report about a built Fährprahm in the scale 1/72, you can find here:

And here you can buy a Marinefährprahm in the scale 1/700: 

or what about a very interesting version but in the scale 1/250:

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