Montag, 30. April 2018

1/144 Sanitätsbunker German Hospital at the Atlantic wall 19/52

The Germans built thousands of Bunkers during WWII. As the Germans are very pedantic, they created lists of bunkers for different use. These Regelbauten had nearly any type of Bunker on the list. Even Bunkers to provide water were planed. Besides these exotic types, there were more practical and useful types. One type I liked so much, that I built it. It is the Regelbau 639, grosser Sanitätsunterstand, a field hospital. Many of them were on the Atlantic wall in France.

Here you find some nice pictures of a Sanitätsunterstand  R 639

Here you find general information about German Bunkers and the different types of Regelbauten:

The model was built on a kitchen plate we had left. The front is a MDF part, which I cut to the correct dimensions and painted with Grey colour. The rest are Standard parts which you could get everywhere. All vehicles are from my 3D collection. Most of them you can buy at Shapeways.

1/144 red cross hospital

1/144 red cross hospital, here you see the complete diorama in my photo box

1/144 red cross hospital with the Peugeot DMA and the Renault AHN ambulance

1/144 red cross hospital

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