Freitag, 30. Dezember 2016

1/144 and 1/160 Peugeot, a French truck in German use

Thanks to an idea from a French customer I created two new mid-size trucks. The Peugeot DMA as Ambulance and as a standard truck. Both were in use with the German Army, mostly in Russia and other European Theaters.
For Charles I converted both versions in 1/160.

At the moment they are at Shapeways at the printer. As soon as I get them back, I will post here some pictures.

Peugeot Ambulance in 1/144 you can order here.
Peugeot truck in 1/144 you can order here.

Peugeot Ambulance in 1/160 you can order here.
Peugeot truck in 1/160 you can order here.

Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2016

Merry Christmas and a good Start into 2017

I wish you all a peaceful and wonderful time!
A good start into 2017!

Ich wünsche Allen eine schöne Weihnachtszeit und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!

Samstag, 12. November 2016

Wehrmacht tank 50 a secret German tank project

Some days ago, I found this wonderful German tank on my table. It looks like a very unknown prototype, I guess it is a tank 50.

Many thanks to my nice and her boy friend who prepared this wonderful and delicious surprise for me.

Freitag, 28. Oktober 2016

Panzer I and his variantes

The Panzer I was not the first German tank after breaking the Versailles contract, but it was the first one built in bigger numbers. 
But very fast is was clear, that with this design  no war could be won. Parallel the German army introduced the Panzer II and not much later the Panzer III and Panzer IV.
So the Germans had huge numbers of obsolete tanks. So there is no surprise that for the Panzer I several different applicants were tested.
With the new tank kit from F-Toys you can get two tanks, easy to assemble and a fair price.
So here is an overview, about all my changes to the Panzer I main design I built:

Bridgelayer on Panzer I

Panzer I with Werferrahmen

Panzer I with Werferrahmen

Bridgelayer on Panzer I

Panzer I from Prohobby

Panzer I regular version from F-Toys

Pionierpanzer on Panzer I

Sonntag, 18. September 2016

1/144 Tiger transport diorama

Actually this is a mixture from tanks and trailer I just took out of the shelf.
The basement is a picture frame from a big Swedish furniture chain. I bought several of them, as they were on sale.
The ground was made with a mixture form several material, clued in white clue.
The trees are from Woodland.
The rest is only arrangement.
The scenic diorama should be used for my Natter launch tower. But as I still have to paint the Natter and have to design some additional stuff, I use it meantime to show the Tiger transport with the Culemeyer trailer and the Kaelble tractor.

1/144 Tiger Transport

1/144 Tiger Transport

1/144 Tiger Transport

1/144 Tiger Transport

1/144 Tiger Transport

Samstag, 10. September 2016

1/144 Renault Fire brigade

After introducing the Renault AHN truck, which was in use with teh German Wehrmacht and the French Army, I designed the Renault AHN Fire brigade.
I found some pictures of the Renault as a Fire brigade. But I could not verify if it was produced during or after the war. As far as I know, there was no Renault in German Service. But never say never.
Meanwhile you can order the truck in the scale 1/144 as well as in TT.


or if you need more, I created a set of two

1/144 Russian Armored Train KZ-1

Here some pictures from my new Russian armored train.
The model is made by PanzerDepot.

1/144 Russian Armored Train KZ-1

Here some pictures from my new Russian armored train.
The model is made by PanzerDepot.

Samstag, 3. September 2016

1/144 New Tanks from Panzer Depot

Today I present you some pictures from my last order from Panzer Depot. While they have some problems with the long gun barrels (use a hair dryer to get them straight) I have to say, the Panzer III and the RSO look wonderful.

Take a look by yourself.

For the RSO, I will present them in the next days with a separate post.

Freitag, 19. August 2016

Panzerjägerwagen part of the German Panzertrains

As promised I present something new. The German Panzerjägerwagen. There were several versions, with different tank turrents and with a second, a shorter waggon to carry the tank. This set was part of several German Panzerzüge.
This version comes with no moving wheels, but a better version is, when you read this on the way to the printer. Anyway both versions fit perfectly to rails in the N scale, so you can use them on your N scale train basis.

Samstag, 13. August 2016

1/144 Launch tower for Bachem Natter

It took me a while to get this done. The start ramp or launch tower for the German Bachem Natter is now ready. Normally, airplanes are not so my topic, but the model from Brengun comes in a set of two, and they are very small.
Here the link to the kit: They offer two versions.
During tests the Bachem Werke used first a launch tower, nothing more that a big piece of wood. Just very close to the end the came up with this metal version. Close to Stuttgart the German SS built a launch site. Their plan was to use this areal to start several Natters at once. launch site sounds good, very secretly but in fact, it was not more than an open space with round concrete bases (they had in the middle a square hole to bring wires and other cables to the launch tower. No buildings, no Bunkers, just an open field.
Back to the design, given by his tiny design, I had some problems to get it ready for printing. I had to find the right balance between the original drawing and the requirements for a successful print.
Now, after the second print I can say it works.
You can order it in black, this time I tried the black version, I do not wanted to paint the ramp, it would take me hours. The black looks so good, that I decided to keep it in that color and to build a small diorama for it. Here the first pictures:

Natter and launch tower in 1/144

Here the link to Shapeways, where you get your own launch tower.

Sonntag, 7. August 2016

1/144 Fire Fighters for modern jets

Today I present you the first pictures of my new crash tenders. With the input from Wes, who claimed that the Crossley crash tender is a nice model, but not qualified for  nowadays fighters, I found a nice drawing.
While I started and tried some new things with my CAD program, I learnt, that I like this modern crash tender.
Finally I ended up searching for the real crash tender what was the basis for my picture.
I found the Italian producer Rampini. They produce this crash tender for the Italian Air Force.
More about my fire fighter and the real one, you can find here:
So I duplicated the real on, only on some spots I changed the design a bit.
Here are two screenshots from my CAD program:
With my next print order I will show you the models in real 1/144.

Montag, 1. August 2016

Coleman MB-4 tug tractor for US-Air Force in 1/144 part II

 Meanwhile I got the Coleman back from the printers and found time to start painting them. As I saw pictures with green versions, this solved my probelm, that I had no yellow.
So I got them in green and I believe they do not look that bad.

Coleman in 1/144 by Bunkerman by Shapeways

two Colemans fresh from the printer

back rear view

1/144 Coleman tug taxi

Coleman on my small 1/144 airfield

1/144 Coleman
green painted they look much better than white

Her is the link if you like the design and want to purchase one of them. Coleman tug taxi

03/52 es geht los, neuer Shop für Panzerfabrik 144

Panzerfabrik 144 startet neuen Shop Diese Woche habe ich eine E-Mail von Shapeways bekommen. Nächsten Monat wollen sie wieder die Möglichkei...