Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2012

My very own tank :-) M5 Stuart

I live know for nearly one year here in California, but that we have a reall WWII tank in town was new for me.
First I thought it was a joke but then I went to this park, and yes on a corner there it is. A original American M5 Stuart tank. Okay, if you once had a chance to see a German Tiger or the King Tiger in the German Tank Museum in Munster, you will think, this is more like a can. The tank is in a good condition, everything outside of course is moved away and it looks like the engine is missing too. With the color I have some problems, for me it looks like green instead of the old olive green what I saw on other old tanks but I like him.
So as he is in my hometown, I will call him now my own tank.
I hope you will enjoy the pictures.

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14/52 Obice da 305/17 WWI gun

Obice da 305/17, Mörser aus dem 1. Weltkrieg in 1/144 Ich weiss auch nicht so recht, wie es gekommen ist, ich sollte andere Modelle zeichnen...